Friday 13 February 2009

Esther & Lee's Pre Wedding Shoot

I really enjoyed Esther and Lee’s lovely, relaxed photo shoot right in the heart of Lichfield. For those of you who don’t know Lichfield, it is certainly worth a visit just to see our stunning catherdral. I love to use it’s wonderful stonework and gorgeous carved doors in my photographs when I can. After getting some great shots around the catherdral, we wandered over to Darwin’s Garden to capture a real contrast in scenery.

Esther and Lee are getting married in April at the beautiful St. Chad’s church in Lichfield, and are then holding their reception at Swinfen Hall. It is always lovely to travel and photograph weddings up and down the country, but I never tire of covering weddings right here at home. We are so lucky to have so many beautiful little churches and some really fabulous country houses here in Staffordshire.

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