Great news again this month!!! Perfect Wedding Magazine have chosen another of my weddings to be featured in the June issue of their fabulous magazine. This is the third wedding of mine that has been featured in 'Real Life Weddings' in the past six months and it is such a compliment. I’m so pleased and I know that my couple – Emma and Steve will be over the moon!!! I photographed their wedding aboard a gorgeous yacht in Cyprus last September - my first destination wedding and I absolutely loved it.
Another journey up the motorway to Yorkshire on Wednesday for a lifestyle portrait shoot during the half-term holidays with Tristam. I have been to Yorkshire several times in the last few months for weddings, pre-wed shoots and portrait shoots and I think I've actually picked up a bit of a Yorkshire accent!!!. Tristam is such a great teenager and he really enjoyed the shoot, whereas most teenagers have usually reluctantly agreed to ‘suffer’ a shoot because their parents have insisted!!! He was a pleasure to meet and to photograph, and what a talented young man. I used to play the violin but after talking to Tristam and hearing him play, it puts my playing to shame!!!
A beautiful May day for the wedding of Kerry and Peter. The ceremony was held at the fabulous St. Chad’s Cathedral in the centre of Birmingham, and just to add to the splendour, Kerry’s cousin was the priest who conducted the service and their eldest son was an alter boy. They also received a wonderful surprise from the Vatican, a special blessing from the Pope - how cool is that ! As I mentioned in an earlier blog entry, Peter’s family are originally from Scotland and 25 male members of his family wore kilts. After their beautiful ceremony, Kerry, Peter and their guests travelled to New Hall Hotel in Sutton Coldfield for their celebrations. Everyone had a fabulous day and the although the guests in kilts were an awesome sight, nothing compared to just how beautiful Kerry looked – she was stunning. Truly a wedding to remember.
Dylan "my puppy" has been the talk of all my friends and clients for weeks now and I have been promising to post some new photos of him. He is now 16 weeks old and he has grown so much recently. He is definitely a proper little character now, really showing his own personality, sulking when he has been told off and crying when I have to go to work. He is absolutely into everything, he especially loves chewing my dining room furniture and tearing up the pansies in the pots at the bottom of the garden!!! The trouble is that he only has to look at me with those puppy dog eyes and I can't stay cross with him for long (take a look at pics 2 & 3 - see what I mean!!!)