Monday 16 March 2009

Esther and Wade's Pre Wedding Shoot – Bristol Docklands

Just over a week ago I travelled down to Bristol to see Esther and Wade whose wedding I am photographing in June. Esther is from Bristol and met Australian Wade while she was working in Australia, and since then they have travelled all around the world together before returning to Bristol. Their ceremony is being held aboard the S.S. Great Britain and what a fabulous setting – who would believe that a ship could be so beautiful. After the ceremony we will then travel down the River Avon aboard a specially chartered ferry boat to Beeses Tea Gardens where the celebrations are being held. There is certainly never a dull moment being a wedding photographer – no two weddings are ever the same.

The Pre-Wed shoot gave me chance to check out both venues for Esther and Wade’s wedding and then we got some great shots in the Docklands in Bristol. I love the backdrops for these photographs - the vibrant colours and different textures.

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