Monday 16 March 2009

Jo and Guy' Pre Wedding Shoot – Greenwich Park, London

Down the motorway again, third pre wed shoot in as many days, this time to meet up with Jo and Guy, who live in London and whose wedding I am photographing in August. Jo and Guy are getting married at Sudbury Hall, followed by a reception at Repton School in Derbyshire (quite a celebrity wedding venue recently!)

We met for Jo and Guy’s Pre-Wed shoot in the beautiful Royal Park at Greenwich. We had a lovely relaxed shoot in such a beautiful location. The park is stunning, and if you live in London what a wonderful place to have right on your doorstep. Sunday morning was absolutely buzzing there. The park was full of people out for a Sunday stroll, walking the dog or just jogging. When you don’t live in London you can be guilty of standing, staring, amazed at the things that Londoners don’t even bat an eyelid at. I saw a woman jogger in some sort of harness contraption which her “trainer” was trying to restrain her with !!! and then there was a man on skis – on the pathway in the park !!! - I was almost tempted to join in but then thought better of it and went and ate my bar of chocolate instead !

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